[1].贵州省自然科学基金委员会. 绿色建筑材料智能透光混凝土性能研究,2024-01-01 至2026-12-31,10万元,立项,主持。
[2].国家自然科学基金委员会, 面上项目, 61675038, 同轴电缆分布式F-P大应变传感器研制与应用研究, 2017-01-01 至 2020-12-31, 67万元, 结题, 参与。
[1]. Juan Shen, Zhi Zhou. Performance and energy savings of resin translucent concrete products. ASCE Journal of energy engineering. 2020, 146(3). (SCI检索号:WOS: 000528902700004)
[2]. Juan Shen, Zhi Zhou. Light transmitting performance and energy-saving of plastic optical fibre transparent concrete products. Indoor and Built Environment. 2021. (SCI检索号:WOS:000513393100001)
[3]. Juan Shen, Zhi Zhou. Preparation and study of resin translucent concrete products. Advances in Civil Engineering. 2019, Article ID 8196967. (SCI检索号:WOS: 000466290800001)
[4]. Juan Shen, Zhi Zhou. Indoor environmental performance and energy conservation of light-transmitting concrete (LTC) building. Building Research and Information. (SCI已录用)
[5]. Juan Shen, Zhi Zhou. Research on load-bearing performance and seismic performance of light-transmitting concrete (LTC) structure. Construction and Building Materials. (SCI Under Review)
[6]. Juan Shen, Zhi Zhou. Some progress on smart transparent concrete. Pacific Science Review, 2013,15(1):51-55.
[7]. 申娟, 李忠华, 周智等. 透明混凝土性能研究[J]. 建筑技术, 2017(1):6-9. (中文核心)
[8]. 周智, 申娟, 焦思雨等. 透明混凝土的透光性能研究[J]. 功能材料, 2016(12): 12007-12013. (中文核心)
[9]. 周智, 高锡鹏,申娟等 树脂透光混凝土制品的制备及其节能效果研究. 功能材料, 2016(9):09017-09022. (中文核心)
[10]. 周智, 高锡鹏, 申娟等. 树脂透光混凝土制品的热工性能及其保温隔热效果评估. 混凝土, 2017(2):105-109.
[1]. 周智,申娟等. 透明混凝土工程化施工方法及施工设备. 发明专利. ZL201310567561(2015.12 已授权)
[2]. 周智,高锡鹏,申娟等. 一种树脂透明混凝土砌块的制作方法及装置. 发明专利. ZL201510206465 (2015.04 已授权)
[3]. 申娟,吕文高等. 一种玻璃纤维增强透光混凝土的制作方法及装置.中国, 发明专利, 审查中.