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主要从事岩土工程领域重大基础设施设计与安全评估研究,土与结构相互作用,地基固结理论和基础工程方面取得一系列成果。近5年来,主持科研项目7项,其中国家自然科学基金2项,中国博士后科学基金面上项目1项,重点实验室开放基金2项,校级科研人才团队项目1项,横向课题1项。在国际国内权威期刊《International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics》、《Computers and Geotechnics》、《Journal of Engineering Mechanics》、《岩土力学》和《工程力学》等刊物上发表SCI/EI论文10余篇,授权专利10余项。参与翻译室内土工试验手册》(第三卷:有效应力试验)


[1] 考虑桩土相互作用的非饱和土复合地基固结理论研究,国家自然科学青年基金项目,立项时间:2021.01

[2] 循环荷载作用下非饱和土中桩-土界面弱化机理及桩基长期承载特性研究,国家自然科学地区基金项目,立项时间:2023.01

[3] 基础设施智慧运维与安全控制创新团队,校级科研人才团队项目,立项时间:2024.01

[4] 非饱和土中管桩复合地基沉降变形预测理论与控制技术研究,中国博士后科学基金面上项目,立项时间:2021.01

[5] 连续排水边界条件下非饱和土不排水桩复合地基固结理论研究,广西防灾减灾与工程安全重点实验室开放基金项目,立项时间:2019.10

[6] 桩与海洋软土界面的固结力学性能演化机理研究,广东省海洋土木工程重点实验室开放基金项目,立项时间:2021.04

[7] 基于无人机H3S全息三维实景物联大数据的高速公路建设安全管理关键技术研究,横向委托,立项时间:2022.01



[1] Feng JX, Ni PP, Mei GX. One-dimensional self-weight consolidation with continuous drainage boundary conditions: Solution and application to clay-drain reclamation[J]. International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics.2019, 43(8): 1634-1652. SCI收录)

[2] Feng JX, Ni PP, Chen Z, Mei GX, Xu MJ. Positioning design of horizontal drain in sandwiched clay-drain systems for land reclamation[J]. Computers and Geotechnics. 2020, 127: 103777. SCI收录)

[3] Feng JX, Chen Z, Chen DQ, et al. Semi-analytical solution of consolidation of composite ground with floating impervious column in unsaturated soil[J]. Journal of Engineering Mechanics, 2022, 148(10): 04022061. SCI收录)

[4] Feng JX, Ma XR, Liu XW, Wang L, Wu ZJ, Mei GX. Analytical solution for one-dimensional consolidation of structured soft soils with continuous drainage boundary. International Journal of Numerical Methods for Calculation and Design in Engineering. 2024, 40, (1):5. SCI收录)

[5] Mei GX, Feng JX, Xu MJ, Ni PP. Estimation of Interface Parameter for One-Dimensional Consolidation with Continuous Drainage Boundary Conditions[J]. International Journal of Geomechanics, 2022, 22(3): 04021292. SCI收录)

[6] Chen Z, Xiao T, Feng JX, et al. Mathematical characterization of pile-soil interface boundary for consolidation analysis of soil around permeable pipe pile[J]. Canadian Geotechnical Journal, 2021, 58(9): 1277-1288. SCI收录)

[7] Xiao T, Ni P, Chen Z, Feng JX, et al. A semi-analytical solution for consolidation of ground with local permeable pipe pile[J]. Computers and Geotechnics, 2022,143:104590. SCI收录)

[8] Chen DQ, Ni PP, Zhang XL, Mei GX, Feng JX. Consolidation Theory of Unsaturated Soils with Vertical Drains Considering Well Resistance and Smear Effect under Time-Dependent Loading. [J]. Journal of Engineering Mechanics, 2021, 147(9): 04021055. SCI收录)

[9] Chen DQ, Ni PP, Li YL, Mei GX, Xiao L, Feng JX. An analytical solution of a finite domain convection-diffusion model for chloride intrusion into RC seawall [J]. Applied Ocean Research, 2022, 118: 103002. SCI收录)

[10] Yang WT, Ni PP, Chen Z, Feng JX, Mei GX. Consolidation analysis of composite ground improved by granular piles with a high replacement ratio considering over lapping smear zones[J]. Computers and Geotechnics. 2023, 162: 105636. SCI收录)

[11] Zhang XY, Luo K, Wang TC, Jiang MJ, Feng JX, Mei GX. Microscopic Mechanism of Coarse-Grained Soil Under Triaxial Test Based on PFC-FLAC Coupling Method. Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering, 2023, 60(4): 323-329. SCI收录)

[12]冯健雪, 陈征, 李勇义, 梅国雄. 连续排水边界条件下线性加载地基一维固结解析解. 工程力学, 2019, 36(6): 219-226. EI收录)

[13]王龙,冯健雪,刘文化等.裂隙膨润土边坡稳定性及锚固特性研究[J].路基工程,2022225(6)29-35. (核心期刊)

[14]蒙宇涵, 陈征, 冯健雪, 李红坡, 梅国雄. 初始孔压非均布下一维地基砂垫层优化研究. 岩土力学, 201940(12): 4793-4800+4812.  EI收录)

[15]张福友, 冯健雪, 陆志宇, 杨济铭, 梅国雄. 喀斯特地区新型异形灌注桩承载特性与影响因素试验研究. 长江科学院院报2021, 38(02): 92-99. CSCD收录)


[1] 适用于具有连通孔道的岩溶地区的新型布袋锚杆,2019

[2] 基于固结有限层的粘弹性基坑开挖的应用程序V1.02018

[3] 一种基于PIV技术的非饱和土-桩相互作用观测实验装置,2021

[4] 一种基于透明土的桩基桩-土界面力学特性试验装置2023

[5] 一种电渗排污透水管桩,2020

[6] 一种斜向孔洞透水管桩,2020

[7] 一种适用于岩溶空腔的锚拉抗滑桩,2020

[8] 一种适用于岩溶空腔的充气锚,2020

[9] 一种伞状岩溶抗浮桩,2020

[10] 一种防止岩爆的平衡气压系统,2020
